Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fwd: L knee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: david merwin <magiciansm@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 11:08:34 -0500
Subject: L knee
To: Kenneth Polidan <kenpolidan@gmail.com>, Kirk Doug
<dgkirk52@gmail.com>, "Hughes, Doug" <doughughes@whcspc.com>

Been to orthopedist and had x-ray. Bad knee (right) very arthritic (no
surprise) good knee(left) minimal arthritis. MRI tomorrow morning. Back
to orthopedist 2/16. Likely diagnosis left torn medial meniscus. If a
bad/big tear no Alabama/Flo and schedule scoping. If minimal tear
Cortisone injection and see how I feel with option to go to Ala/Flo and
have scope on my return from Ala/Flo.

Just to keep you posted.

Sorry if I sent this twice but thought I sent it and then found it in my
"draft" file.