Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog--4/21/10 On the Banks of the Suwannee

After another 80 miles, thankfully with some gentle TAILWIND, we are very pleasantly billeted at the Telford Hotel in White Springs,  FL, on the banks on the Suwannee River,  the very river Stephen Foster immortalized in song.  And indeed it is very beautiful.   I hope the pictures Kathy posts give an idea.

Our hotel proprietors tell us that most of their guests are there to canoe or kayak, and it sure looks like fun to me.  I haven't said anything yet about the Spanish Moss, which hangs from most of the big old trees like some sort of beard and becomes more and more plentiful and charming as we go.   Again, Kathy's pictures should give an idea but cannot hope to give the full depth of beauty.  Sometimes we see it hanging from the power lines!

Today's ride was relatively uneventful, although from our point of view tailwind is a big event,  and more is forecast for tomorrow!

Unfortunately, White Springs had no decent restaurant options,  so we foraged in the convenience store.  Our dinner consisted of English muffins with cottage cheese, a pint of Newcastle ale,  potato chips, vegetable juice, cashews, popcorn,  and chocolate chip cookies. Lunch,  also at a convenience store,  was no better.   Good thing our breakfast at the B & B in Monticello this morning was fit for a king.

Speaking of food,  various people have wondered how eating vegetarian works out travelling thru all these small towns.   Breakfast is never a problem but convenience store eating is really limited for decent,  healthy food.   And often smaller restaurants have virtually nothing vegetarian.  So I have eaten 3 or 4 BLT sandwiches,  some slices of pepperoni pizza and some tuna here and there.  And I am pretty certain that the refried beans in the maybe two dozen Mexican restaurants we've tried have a good-sized dollop of lard in them.  What we really miss is high quality, well prepared food. When we get some,  like at breakfast this morning, we really eat it up.

2948 miles done,  around 180 to go,  which we plan to do in three days--all hopefully dry and wind-aided!


1 comment:

  1. Almost done! Makes me feel almost guilty about our traveling chef....almost

    Sue, one of the pampered
